STARRT is a new project started in the fall of 2023, focusing on robotics and planetary rovers. It consists of two teams: the Planetary Rover team and the Lunabotics Competition Robot team. The Rover project acts as an entry level robotics project where members get immediate hands-on experience with the construction and mechanisms that make up planetary rovers, skipping most of the design phase by basing our rover off of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab's Open Source Rover. The Lunabotics Competition Robot project serves as a higher level challenge for members to partake in designing a robot from scratch for the purposes of competing within the constraints outlined by NASA's annual Lunabotics Competition.

Planetary Rover

The entry level project where we built a rover based on NASA JPL's Open Source Rover (OSR) design. Currently undergoing electrical debugging, the OSR is a great opportunity for members to see design choices made by professionals of the highest level.

One weekly meeting (TBD)

Lunabotics Competition

The advanced project where we are building a lunar rover using our own designs with the purpose of participating in the annual NASA Lunabotics Competition. The goal of the competition is to create a robot that can operate on the lunar surface, excavate lunar regolith, and deposit it in a specified zone in order to protect sensitive equipment from debris caused by lunar landers or other impacts.

One weekly meeting (TBD)